Digitalization of processes in a network expansion project

Use of the innovative BIM methodology for digitalization

As part of the major grid expansion project to transport wind power from the North Sea coast to Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg via underground cables with two direct current lines, additional structural installations and facilities are required besides the underground cable – cable cutting stations, intermediate fiber optic cable stations and link boxes are required along the underground line in varying numbers and at different distances.

The overall project is being implemented by transmission system operators in collaboration with several quattron teams and their partners. As quattron is responsible for operational BIM management, several BIM specialist teams are being used for this purpose. Working in close coordination, the teams bring together the requirements of clients and contractors according to BIM methodology in order to coordinate and ensure the process runs smoothly.

BIM methodology requires a detailed inventory of the specialist trades, the surroundings, and the subsoil needed for the planning task, which are combined in an as-built model. This provides a clear planning basis for the new design.


In addition to the comprehensible representation of complex relationships in geometric and visual form, the aim is to support decision-making and increase public acceptance by communicating the construction project in an understandable way, from planning through to operations.
In doing so, objectives are pursued in the areas of collaboration, processes and technology.




The integrated information model for the sub-projects is being pursued with the aim of facilitating a centralized exchange of information. Furthermore, problems that arise are to be visualized and optimized processes can be tested in order to solve them comprehensively.
Planning documents are made available to the authorities for the completion of approval planning.
Planning quality is increased by regularly merging the specialist models into a coordination model for collision checks and systematic conflict resolution.
In the coordination model, collisions between trades or compliance with spatial norms, such as passage widths or areas to be kept clear, can be detected visually or automatically.

3D model creation


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