LeiDa-D – Control Systems Data

Versioning infrastructure database for data supply to operational control and operating systems

The PRISMA project (Project Re-Design Information Systems Operation and Modernization of Architecture) is pursuing the renewal of the IT systems of DB Netz AG’s operations centers with the aim of creating an advanced, network-wide IT system for scheduling rail traffic with modern software components. 

One component of this overall project is LeiDa-D, a central versioning infrastructure database that integrates into the existing, distributed IT landscape in terms of processes, merges work and data flows, provides aggregated, network-wide databases at different points in time, ensures consistency, and standardizes processes.

quattron (powered by VIA-Con) helped analyze, develop, and specify large, essential parts of this component, realized the implementation in real software systems, created and conducted training courses on the system, supported acceptance tests, and transferred the system to operational use. 

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